My Kid’s Reading Journal, Or How I’m Channeling My Dad and Bribing My Kid to Read More

I have a love/hate relationship with reading journals for kids. As a kid, I hated them. For the most part. My dad made it extra homework for us because he’s one of those immigrant parents who thought American schools didn’t assign enough work. He made us keep a daily journal: 5 sentences to describe ourContinue reading “My Kid’s Reading Journal, Or How I’m Channeling My Dad and Bribing My Kid to Read More”

My 2024 Reading Journal Project

Reading journals are in my blood. From being forced to keep a journal as a kid, to becoming an English teacher and learning that processing our reading through book clubs and logs helps us remember our reading more, I love keeping track of my reading. I successfully kept a journal for about 6 years, butContinue reading “My 2024 Reading Journal Project”

Book Review: A Man Called Ove

You might like this book if you like… Carl from Up and you always wondered what his life would have been like if he didn’t fly away from his neighborhood The Bell Jar. More specifically, the idea of attempting suicide, but failing at it. I always found that amusing. a simple, lightly humorous writing style.Continue reading “Book Review: A Man Called Ove”

The Only Three Forms of Hemingway I Can Tolerate.

Bradley Cooper and I have one thing in common: we both threw A Farewell to Arms across the room when we finished it. OK, it was Cooper’s character from Silver Linings Playbook, but still.   I’ve tried to like Hemingway. I tried hard enough to finish A Farewell to Arms, even though with every turn of theContinue reading “The Only Three Forms of Hemingway I Can Tolerate.”

C is for Chopin: The Awakening and Why Fiction Matters

One of those embarrassing pictures of my youth held hostage by the Internet featured The Awakening. My senior year of high school, I posted a series of selfies (before selfies were cool, of course) of my reaction to Kate Chopin’s classic to that early social network, Friendster. Mildly pleased at first, then bored, then scandalizedContinue reading “C is for Chopin: The Awakening and Why Fiction Matters”